In anticipation of Skeletonwitch's upcoming fourth full-length album, I got in touch with them to talk a little bit about it, as well as touring and everything else Skeletonwitch. Enjoy!
SFM - You guys are scheduled to release your fourth full-length record "Forever Abomination" this year in October. Can you give us any information on this record, like overall themes? Differences between this and the previous ones? Anything you've never done before?
Evan - We're all really excited about this record and the work we put into it. It's obviously different from any other material the band has done, but it's still a Skeletonwitch record. I think that the minute people hear it they will know it's us. It has a little bit more of a Rock 'n' Roll and more of a Black Metal vibe than the previous one. I think Nate, our main riff dude, really opened up some parts and put a lot more "feeling" type parts in this time. Parts that are about the feeling of the riff not how many notes you can jam into it.
SFM - That sounds great! In addition to releasing a new album, you're also going to be touring alongside Arch Enemy later this year, but do you have any plans for some headlining tours in support of the new album?
Evan - Yes. We will be announcing some headlining dates very soon. The rest of our year is booked so we will be announcing new dates as we're able to do so.
SFM - Who are the biggest influences for Skeletonwitch when it comes to writing?
Evan - We're all fans as much as we are musicians. We all like quite a mix of stuff in the Metal genre and I think that shows up in the music and even people's individual performances on the records. Chance, for example, loves old death metal and I think his vocal performances, rhythm etc. represent that. Nate and the rest of us are really into melodic black metal and I think there are a lot of riffs that show that. I've always liked 70's rock a ton and there's a lot of bass parts on the last two records that have a hint of that. It's certainly safe to say we have a lot of influences.
SFM - What has been your biggest/most proud achievement in Skeletonwitch?

SFM - Who are some of your favorite newer bands?
Evan - Lately I have been listening to Lantlos a lot. They came out with a new album last year and the previous record is also amazing. Its great kinda post-rock black metal. I also like the newest Sargeist album "Let the Devil in". Its what black metal should be. Its evil, dirty and violent sounding but melodic at the same time. The new Graveyard album that came out this year "Hisingen Blues" hasn't left my rotation either. Its rock and roll as hell. I got a chance to see them at Summer Breeze this year.
SFM - If you could open up for any band who would it be?
Evan - Hard question. I guess if you asked every member of the band I bet at least three out of the five answers would be Immortal. We all fucking love Immortal.
SFM - Great choice! So, what are the funnest Skeletonwitch songs to play live? Which usually go over the best with the crowd?
Evan - I think there are a number of songs I hear kids yell out a lot for us to play. People seem to want to hear the really old stuff probably cause we hardly ever play it. A few months back we released three 7 inches with re-recordings of some material off of the At One with the Shadows record. Its really hard to find that album and lots of kids want to hear some of those songs live. Occasionally we will throw one of them in the set. My favorite to play right now are the new songs from our upcoming album. Right now we are playing three of them live but will try to work in a few more to the set.
SFM - Do you have any funny tour stories you could share?
Evan - Tour itself is just funny. You have to have a sense of humor about everything if you're going to get through a long tour. We have so many inside jokes at the end of tour plus all the ones from the previous tours that I wonder if people who hear our conversations even understand any of what we are saying.
SFM - I'd like to thank you for your time, do you have any words for your fans?
Evan - Just "Thanks!" We are all really fortunate to be able to do this and we can do this because our fans support us by coming out to our shows. We can't wait to be back on the road playing and hanging out with you all!
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